Sunday, January 25, 2009

The January 26 2009 Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse? Yes! The annular solar eclipse of January 26 2009 will be visible across the Southern Ocean and Indonesia. Its annular phase runs from 06:02:39 UT, when the eclipse begins in the South Atlantic, to the end of the eclipse in the Celebes Sea at 09:54:44 UT. The maximum eclipse is at 07:58:39 UT, when the annular phase will last just under 8 minutes.

The partial eclipse will be visible over southern Africa, the Indian Ocean and most of Australasia between 04:56:38 UT and 11:00:41 UT. Here in the Philippines, the eclipse will be visible only in Zamboanga.

Here is an animation showing the progress of the eclipse in Zamboanga:


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