Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Myringotomy Tubes Placement, Insertion Procedure, Complication and Video

Below is a video about myringotomy tubes placement procedure and insertion. What is that?

Ehem! Myringotomy tubes are small tubes that are inserted into your child's eardrum by an ear, nose and throat surgeon, surgically. Following the right procedure, the tubes placement helps drain the fluid out of the middle ear in order to reduce the risk of ear infections. During an ear infection, fluid are gathered in the middle ear, this may affect the hearing of your child. Sometimes, even after the complication is gone, some fluid may remain inside the ear. The myringotomy tubes help drain this fluid and prevent it from building up there. From 1 to 3 years old are the most common ages. By the age of 5 years, most children have wider and longer Eustachian tubes (a canal that links the middle ear with the throat area), thus, allowing better drainage of fluids from the ear.

So, how are ear tubes inserted?

Myringotomy is the surgical procedure that is performed to insert ear tubes. Insertion of the tubes is usually an outpatient procedure. This means that your child will have surgery, and then go home that same day. Before the surgery, you will meet with different members of the healthcare team who will be involved in your child's care. These may include:

* nurses - day surgery nurses prepare your child for surgery. Operating room nurses assist the physicians during surgery. Recovery room (also called the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit) nurses care for your child as he/she emerges from general anesthesia.

* surgeon - a physician who specializes in the placement of the tubes.

* anesthesiologist - a medical physician with specialized training in anesthesia. He/she will perform a history and physical examination and formulate a plan of anesthesia for your child. The plan will be discussed with you and your questions will be answered. Insertion of myringotomy tubes requires general anesthesia in children. Here is a video on how the myringotomy tube is inserted.


Source: http://www.healthsystem.virginiaedu/toplevel/home/home.cfm

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this informative post. You made an extensive discussion in a brief manner. How is that? I dont know either but thanks..


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